Philtres of Love!!

In Greek mythology, Andromache, the wife of the Trojan warrior Hector, was accused by Hermione, wife of Neoptolemus, of gaining his love by means of love-potions. Euripides, the tragic poet (c. 485–406 B.C.), refers to the situation in his drama Andromache:

Not of my philtres thy lord hateth thee,

But that thy nature is no mate for his.

That is the love-charm: woman, ’tis not beauty

That witcheth bridegrooms, nay, but nobleness.

Philtres were in actual use beyond mythological times.Xenophon (c. 430–354 B.C.), the Greek historian, author of Memorabilia, alludes to the practice:

“They say,” replied Socrates, “that there are certain incantations which those who know them chant to whomsoever they please, and thus make them their friends; and that there are also love potions which those who know them administer to whomso they will; and are in consequence loved by them.”

In ancient orgiastic cults, particularly those dedicated to Dionysus and to the Syrian Baal, religious frenzies were accompanied or stimulated by drugs, fermented drink, by rhythmic dance movements, by tambourine, drum, and flute music that culminated in ecstatic self-mutilation followed by wild sexual debaucheries. (LOVE POTIONS THROUGH THE AGES / HARRY E. WEDECK)

The Real GFE experience

I needed to blow off some steam so I ventured off to Paris to explore. I looked specifically for women who provided a GFE. I wanted to meet someone who could hold a conversation and provide me with some local color. My ideal date involves an intelligent women who seeks to please, and be pleased. I found April here and booked a date. We started the date with some local cuisine for lunch and afterwards did some sightseeing around the city, hand in hand. April was excellent private tour guide and my nervousness started to fade away as we were walking around the city. After the tour we arrived my hotel room for the final part of the date. April is very pretty girl-next-door type of girl with wonderful smile and some nice assets. There are many things to do and see in Paris, but April was the highlight of my trip and I had my all time best escorting experience with her. She clearly loves what she does and I highly recommend her to anyone visiting Paris.

Classical Erotology

In fact the fellator as well as the cunnilingue may be called eaters of filth, as in the passage of Galen quoted previously, where both of them are called coprophagi (dung-eaters). Bæticus however has only to do with the female pit; he is a cunnilingue, not a fellator. On the contrary, the lewd tongue of Tongilion (III., 84) is that of a fellator, not of a cunnilingue; for the tongue of a cunnilingue plays the part of a lover, being active; while that of a fellator acts the part of a prostitute, remaining passive. Sometimes for want of attention the most learned commentators are at fault in elucidating these playful passages. One of the twin brothers, who in our friend of Bilbilis (the poet Martial) (III., 88), are licking different groins, was a cunnilingue. The neighbor of Priapus, “by whose fault it is unhappy Landacé swears she can hardly walk, she is so enlarged,” is covertly designated as a cunnilingue (Priapeia LXXVIII.); yet for all that Scioppius maintains he was only a fornicator; but why should we turn away from the proper sense of the word on account of the enlarged aperture? As if the vulva could not be enlarged, or relaxed by the tongue of the cunnilingue equally as much as by active co-habitation!  (Manual of Classical Erotology (De figuris Veneris). Autor : Friedrich Karl Forberg)