Independents Escorts in Prague

When it comes to experiencing the vibrant nightlife and adult entertainment in Prague, nothing compares to the allure of independent escorts. These professionals offer a unique blend of companionship and discretion that traditional escort agencies may not always provide. With a wide array of options available, from luxury escorts in Prague to affordable female and […]

My face Was On Fire!

Caviceo spirted out his venerean exudation, and I felt irrigated by a burning rain…. Just as Caviceo slackened, I experienced a sort of voluptuous itch as though I were making water; involuntarily I draw my buttocks back a little, and in an instant I felt with supreme pleasure something flowing from me which tickled me […]

The Instrument

Once on a time a youth, wishing to become a smith, quitted his village and hired himself as an apprentice to a farrier. His master was a busy man, all the beds in his house being filled by his workmen, and when evening came he was sore pressed to find sleeping quarters for his apprentice. […]

Hard as horn

………………………..In the beginning he pushes in with gentle blows, then quicker, and at last with such force I could not doubt that I was in great danger. His member was hard as horn, and he forced it in so cruelly, that I cried out, “You will tear me to pieces.” He stopped a moment from […]

The cult of aphrodita

POLYTHEISM is not a stable religion. It changes with the growth of civilization, and we do not know a time in which it was not constantly in a state of transition. The myths which connect Aphrodite in one place with Adonis, in others with Mars, Hephæstos, Anchises and other gods or mortals, were originally several […]

The garden of th goddess

The temple of Aphrodite-Astarte stood outside the gates of the town, in an immense park, full of flowers and shade. The Nile water, conveyed by seven aqueducts, induced an extraordinary verdure all the year round. The gardens were more than a valley, more than a country; they were a complete world enclosed by bounds of […]

Nymph Girl

This accomplished nymph has just attained her eighteenth year, and fraught with every perfection, enters a volunteer in the field of Venus. She plays on the piano forte, sings, dances, and is mistress of every Manoeuvre in the amorous contest that can enhance the coming pleasure; is of the middle stature, fine auburn hair, dark […]

Blue eyes girl

To all lovers of carrots we would re- commend this fair complex, and blue ey’d nymph; she is now steering into the nineteenth year, and has very little of the vulgarity too often found in the sister- hood, but would be rather silent than speak nonsense: the mere sensualist will not find her quite to […]

A fine tall woman!

It is remarkable, that her lovers are most commonly of a diminutive size. The vanity of surmounting such a fine tall woman, is, doubtless, an incentive to many, to so unmatch themselves, that they are content to be like a sweet-bread on a breast of veal. Yet, notwithstand- ing her size, we hear her low […]

Perfect mistress

This lady, we are told, is remarkably fond of musick, and there is no tune within compass of the flute but she plays with the greatest dexterity; she is perfect mistress of all the graces, is never out in stopping, and is full as well skilled in pricking; altho’ the principal part of her music […]

Philtres of Love!!

In Greek mythology, Andromache, the wife of the Trojan warrior Hector, was accused by Hermione, wife of Neoptolemus, of gaining his love by means of love-potions. Euripides, the tragic poet (c. 485–406 B.C.), refers to the situation in his drama Andromache: Not of my philtres thy lord hateth thee, But that thy nature is no […]

The Real GFE experience

I needed to blow off some steam so I ventured off to Paris to explore. I looked specifically for women who provided a GFE. I wanted to meet someone who could hold a conversation and provide me with some local color. My ideal date involves an intelligent women who seeks to please, and be pleased. […]

Classical Erotology

In fact the fellator as well as the cunnilingue may be called eaters of filth, as in the passage of Galen quoted previously, where both of them are called coprophagi (dung-eaters). Bæticus however has only to do with the female pit; he is a cunnilingue, not a fellator. On the contrary, the lewd tongue of Tongilion (III., 84) is that of a fellator, not […]